Wednesday 8 July 2015

Campbell Recipes for Lunch at Work

Campbell Recipes for Lunch
Nobody doubt Campbell recipes but have you decided which recipe for your lunch tomorrow? Possibly, you are not accustomed to bring your own lunch at work. Most of your colleagues will invite you to go to restaurant for having meal. However, why don’t you change the habit? Making your own meal will make you able to save much money, right? In addition, you can make sure that the meal is healthy. 

You shouldn’t worry since this Campbell recipe will not spend much time. You will not go to work late. Now, are you ready to make your own meal for lunch? It is Campbell slow-cooked pulled pork sandwich. In fact, it is sandwich but different with regular sandwich. 

The ingredients are quite different yet some of them are similar with other sandwich. You have to prepare vegetable oil, pork shoulder roast without bone, brown sugar, cider vinegar, ketchup, French onion soup, and sandwich roll. 

 First of all, you need to heat the oil. Make sure that you set the heat on medium high. You can use 10-inch skillet if you don’t have the larger one. Cook the pork till it turns to brown. Then, you can stir ketchup, brown sugar, vinegar, and soup in slow cooker. 

Then, you can take the pork and coat. Set on low for about 8 to 9 hours to make sure that the pork is tender. This meal should be prepared during night before you sleep in order that it is ready when you get up. You take a bath and then remember there is meal which you can bring for work. You don’t have to spend extra money to have lunch outside. You can taste the meal while you are watching favorite music video when you have a break in the office. So, are you still searching for Campbell recipes?


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